Workshop on broad band dielectric and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Nabila Yasmeen, NaMeS PhD student has participated in the three-days workshop on Broad band dielectric and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, organized by Novocontrol technologies, Montabaur Germany. The basic objective of the training was to provide an introduction to the broadband dielectric spectroscopy and its importance as an electroanalytical experimental tool. During the training Nabila has attended the informative lecture series about the recent advancements in the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS and its application as an essential electrochemical characterization technique.
Moreover, Nabila has learned about new EIS softwares for the analytical evaluation of her obtained experimental data under the supervision of EIS experts. Overall, the participation in the conference helped her for better understanding of EIS and its application in future research work.
17 -21 March, 2019
Montabaur, Germany
Novocontrol technologies
Nabila Yasmeen