Sensors 2021 Sensors Technologies International conference 2021
Viknasvarri Ayerdurai, NaMeS Ph.D. student, participated in the Sensor 2021, a joint international meeting along with the Nanomedicine, European Graphene, and Smart Material and Surfaces 2021. The conference was held online and on-site in Milan, Italy, from October 20 to 22, 2021. The conference program included keynote lectures, oral and poster sessions. The conference covered topics ranging from new sensing materials and sensor fabrication processes to wireless sensor networks through nanotechnology, nanofabrication processes, nanoengineered sensors and actuators, micro power generation, micro fluidic, bioanalytical systems, etc.
Viknasvarri Ayerdurai presented his research on Nucleobase-Functionalized Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Electrochemical Sensor for Determination of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines. The hybrid modes of the conference with the Whoa app made it easier to follow the conference and to network. Viknasvarri Ayerdurai actively participated in discussions, arranging meet-ups prior to and after the conference to expand his professional network. As a result, he made connections and received multiple offers for possible collaboration and information about post-doctoral positions. He also made connections with researchers from the industry, who shared their valuable experiences and potential job offers in their company
18-22 October, 2021
Hybrid: virtual and on-site in Milan, Italy
Science, Engineering, Technology Conferences Organisers ("SETCOR")
Viknasvarri Ayerdurai
More information about the event