How to publish in internal journals and maximise your impact in the field - WORKSHOP


On the 11th-12th June, 2018 the 2-Day Author Training Academy was held in the assembly hall of the IPC PAS. The workshop discussed how to write a manuscript and successfully submit it to a journal. The training was addressed to all IPC researchers and in particular to the NaMeS and IDS PhD students. The meeting was attended by ca. 80 people.

The workshop was conducted by Dr Jeffrey Robens who is Editorial Development Manager at Nature Research. He has strong scientific qalifications and wide experience in providing training workshops to help researchers improve their publication quality and as a result to improve publication output worldwide.

The participants were acquainted with such issues as: academic writing, publication ethics and publication strategies. They had also possibility to learn about the principles of good and effective presentation. This section discussed not only the importance of presenting work, but also on how to make effective slides and posters and professional presentation skills, both verbal and non-verbal, and how to handle questions from the audience.

The workshop met with very positive feedback from all participants.

Click for Agenda

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 711859.